Since 2014, over 40 volunteer instructors have conducted over 60 Inside Literature courses, reaching over 1,500 students. We have taught books from all over the world, including Mexico, Russia, Iraq, Colombia, Pakistan, England, Cuba, Germany, France, & Australia.


Our Mission

We foster community ties, critical engagement, and personal growth through the collective study of the Humanities with incarcerated persons.

To be intellectually stimulated as we were along with the feeling of doing something productive was such a gift. I feel like classes such as these set and example of what each inmate has the potential to become. Inside Literature got me moving in the right direction.
— Student Evaluation

Core Values


We believe the Humanities are primarily a meeting place, secondarily a professional discipline. We believe in a student-centered approach to encourage learning from others through engagement with literature and writing. Dialogue is an essential aspect of the program.



The study of the Humanities provides opportunities for self-reflection whether by reading, discussion, or in writing. Engaging with the Humanities provides opportunities for self-discovery, self-efficacy, and critical thinking among students and instructors.


Inside Literature fosters human connection in the meeting ground of the Humanities. Both instructor and incarcerated participants have something to learn and something to teach in our program. We work with our students to structure the syllabus within the parameters of our courses.



Above and beyond the professional integrity mandated by a career in the Humanities, Inside Literature is committed to contributing to the community as educators to make the study of literature available to as wide an audience as possible.